


尼采在泰勒瑪教義裡 翻譯立場

In general 翻譯公司 Crowley sympathized with Nietzsche’s assessment of Christianity as ‘slave morality.’ He wrote 翻譯公司 “I entirely agree with Nietzsche that Christianity is the formula of the servile state; true aristocracy and true democracy are equally its enemies. In my ideal state everyone is respected for what he is. There will always be slaves, and the slave is to be defined as he who acquiesces in being a slave” (Confessions 翻譯公司 ch.60). He also writes:

The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche, Prophet of Thelema


“We may define the doctrine of the White School in its purity in very simple terms. Existence is pure joy. Sorrow is caused by failure to perceive this fact; but this is not a misfortune. We have invented sorrow, which does not matter so much after all, in order to have the exuberant satisfaction of getting rid of it. Existence is thus a sacrament. Adepts of the White School regard their brethren of the Black very much as the aristocratic English Sahib (of the days when England was a nation) regarded the benighted Hindu. Nietzsche expresses the philosophy of this School to that extent with considerable accuracy and vigour. The man who denounces life merely defines himself as the man who is unequal to it. The brave man rejoices in giving and taking hard knocks 翻譯公司 and the brave man is joyous.” —Magick Without Tears 翻譯公司 ch. 7


From these quotations it should be apparent that Crowley not only knew Nietzsche’s writings fairly well for his time but was greatly influenced by them. He hailed Nietzsche not only as a Gnostic Saint of the E.G.C. but also a prophet of the Law of Thelema 翻譯公司 a title Crowley did not throw around lightly.

Crowley mentions Nietzsche when he writes regarding the ethic of Thelema and going beyond good and evil:




After this Nietzsche traveled around Europe include Nice, Sils-Maria, Leipzig, Turin, Genoa, Recoaro 翻譯公司 Messina, Rapallo, Florence, Venice, and Rome. During this time he wrote many books including Daybreak in 1881, The Gay Science in 1882, Thus Spoke Zarathustra from 1883-1885 翻譯公司 Beyond Good and Evil in 1886, On the Genealogy of Morals in 1887 翻譯公司 and several books in 1888 including The Case of Wagner, Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, and Nietzsche Contra Wagner.

“這個時代(或遍及) 翻譯道德:那就是‘奴隸神’ 翻譯記號,已經被尼采在《反基督者》裡進行過了一番徹底分析與破壞。它涵蓋了所有最惡劣的惡習,特別是妒忌、脆弱、殘暴還有貪心...”——《沒有眼淚 翻譯魔法》,第70篇

“It is characteristic of all high spiritual vision that the formulation of any idea is immediately destroyed or canceled out by the arising of the contradictory. Hegel and Nietzsche had glimmerings of the idea 翻譯公司 but it is described very fully and simply in the Book of Wisdom or Folly.” —The Book of Thoth


Friedrich Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844 in Roecken bei Luetzen near Leipzig in Germany. Around when Nietzsche was five, his father and brother both died within 6 months of each other. Nietzsche was born into a line of Lutheran ministers including his father and grandfather, and his immersion in Christianity continued when he was enrolled in a boarding school from age 14 to 19 which used to be a Cistercian monastery. Around this time 翻譯公司 Nietzsche learned about Hoelderlin’s romantic poetry and Richard Wagner’s music 翻譯公司 both of which would greatly influence his inner development.


。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯“There is a good deal of the Nietzschean standpoint in this verse. It is the evolutionary and natural view. Of what use is it to perpetuate the misery of Tuberculosis, and such diseases, as we now do? Nature’s way is to weed out the weak. This is the most merciful way, too. At present all the strong are being damaged, and their progress hindered by the dead weight of the weak limbs and the missing limbs 翻譯公司 the diseased limbs and the atrophied limbs. The Christians to the Lions!” –Commentary to Liber AL vel Legis II:21

“基督教已步入黃昏,所以對象是尼采和克勞利如許 翻譯思想家而言,基督已經逐步無異於‘魔鬼’ 翻譯社——O.M.”——克勞利對埃利法斯・利維的《神秘學之鑰》的翻譯筆記


“Christianity has fallen, and so Christ has already become the ‘devil’ to such thinkers as Nietzsche and Crowley. — O.M.” –Note in Crowley’s translation of Eliphas Levi’s The Key of the Mysteries

尼采在23歲 翻譯時辰於服役時代受傷,是以他只得重返萊比錫大學,這也是他結識理查・華格納的契機 翻譯社起先尼采與華格納有著一段竭誠的友情,尼采甚至稱兩人的友情是他“最偉大的成就”,不過有時他仍會抱怨本身太晚才與華格納了解(見《華格納事務》和其它尼采說起華格納的處所),但他們的友情沒能細水長流,以致於後來尼采更曾反攻華格納的音樂中 翻譯感傷主義 翻譯社尼采在24歲時成為了巴塞爾大學的古典說話學教授,然後他在25歲 翻譯時刻於普法戰爭時代接受醫務兵,而且染上了白喉和痢疾,或許還包羅戰爭引起的創傷性症候群。

“…kindness and conscientiousness and altruism are really drawbacks to the progress of humanity. As Nietzsche said this 翻譯公司 and I too agree with him, there is little more to be said.” —Liber 888

When Nietzsche was 20 he enrolled in the University of Bonn as a student of theology and philology (the study of ancient and classical texts), although he switched to the University of Leipzig to pursue philology more closely. It was here that Nietzsche would come upon Arthur Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation accidentally in a bookstore, a book that would influence his thinking arguably more than any other.


Crowley also writes, “Yet this I charge thee with my Might: Live Dangerously. Was not this the Word of thine Uncle Friedrich Nietzsche?” (Liber Aleph, ch.47). This mention of “live dangerously” is most likely a reference to The Gay Science (“the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is – to live dangerously … “) although similar lines appear in Thus Spake Zarathustra. Crowley echoes Nietzsche’s ideas about evolution and the will-to-power when he writes:


在《沒有眼淚的魔法》中,克勞利描寫了三間魔法學院。他引述《律法》和尼采的話來定義所謂 翻譯白色學院,而且將兩者密切聯繫在一路:




克勞利也曾在論及泰勒瑪 翻譯理論以及超脫善惡的理念時提到尼采:





Friedrich Nietzsche in Aleister Crowley’s writings

或許這段話是鑒戒自《快樂》(“我們並不屬於那些只能從書裡得到靈感的人 翻譯社我們習慣在戶外思慮——不管是漫步、跳躍、攀緣、舞蹈,最好是在伶仃的山上或接近海的處所,在那裡即使是一條小徑也能令你大有啟發 翻譯社面臨一本書的價值黑白,我們的第一問題是:它們可以走嗎?或它們可以舞蹈嗎?”)或《瞧!》(“盡量少坐;要知道,當一小我還能自由走動時,他所有的思惟都是降生於戶外——其中就連肌肉也不是在為盛宴慶賀。所有的偏見都源於腸子...久坐的糊口——正如我以前所說——這是對聖靈的真正褻瀆。”)

Friedrich Nietzsche is listed as a Gnostic Saint in Liber LII 翻譯公司 which shows he had 翻譯公司 at the very least, a profound influence on the thinking of Aleister Crowley. An assortment of references to Nietzsche by Crowley show that he was fairly well-read in Nietzsche’s thought, especially since translations of certain texts did not necessarily come out for a while.



by IAO131 - January 9 翻譯公司 2017

Further 翻譯公司 Crowley writes:

順行你的意志所為就是律法 翻譯社


“Read Nietzsche!” –Aleister Crowley


“(1919年),我鼓起了想要憑據《律法之書》的原則成立一個集團 翻譯動機,好開闢一個極新社會的根蒂根基。個中最主要的倫理原則就是,每一個人在平生中都該找到本身的明白方針,而且他完全有權去實現這個目的。這個團體 翻譯主旨就是要幫助每一個成員實現他們 翻譯方針;因為應當制訂出劃定規矩,然後所有政策疑難都該憑據這個原則來安排 翻譯社正因如斯,我們決意將代表曩昔文明的一切都一網打盡。這些器械,除是對個人的不公以外,也是基於果斷假定而肇 翻譯失敗,這不單單是謊言罷了了。他們 翻譯權勢巨子取決於對長短對錯的界說,難以成立。一旦尼采及其他人都證實了這點,他們便落空了合法性。”——《自白》,第87篇 翻譯社

“Read Nietzsche!” –“The Ordeal of Ida Pendragon” from The Equinox I:6






總的來講,克勞利非常認同尼采說基督教就是“奴隸道德”的表現這話。克勞利寫道,“我完全贊成尼采,基督教是奴隸國家的方法;真正 翻譯貴族與真實的民主一樣是其敵人。在我的理想國裡,每個人都有遭到尊敬的權力 翻譯社奴隸老是存在,所謂 翻譯奴隸就是那種默許本身淪為奴隸的人 翻譯社”(《自白》,第60篇)。他還說:

憑據克勞利對尼采的熟悉,我們最少可以猜想他應當讀過《歡愉的科學》,《善惡的彼端》和《反基督者》。像他就有在這面的引文裡提到《反基督者》,而且他在《律法》LXV V:37的注釋裡也提到了《善惡的彼端》,“噢,這是超脫在馬茲達和哈里曼以外的境地!為這個時期的你們獻上祝願,”他寫道:“在波斯神學裡,有所謂的善與惡之原則,尼采也是;而且這在我們的教義裡也多有表達。”

弗里德里希・尼采是一位德國哲學家,詩人和說話學家,生涯於1844-1900年間 翻譯社我將先從簡短介紹這位偉大思惟家 翻譯平生開始,接著再來商量他對阿萊斯特・克勞利和泰勒瑪的影響。

“The Book [of the Law] announces a new dichotomy in human society; there is the master and there is the slave; the noble and the serf; the “lone wolf” and the herd. [The “Master” roughly denotes the able, the adventurous, welcoming responsibility. The “slave:” his motto is “Safety first,” with all that this implies. Race, birth, breeding etc. are important but not absolutely essential factors] (Nietzsche may be regarded as one of our prophets…)” —Magick Without Tears, ch.48

以後尼采入手下手遊歷歐洲,他造訪過的地方包孕尼斯、錫爾斯-瑪麗亞、萊比錫、都靈、熱那亞、雷科阿羅、墨西拿、拉帕洛、佛羅倫薩、威尼斯和羅馬。他在這段時代亦筆耕不輟,例如1881年有《早霞》、1882年的《歡愉的科學》、1883-1885年有《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》、1886年的《善惡 翻譯彼端》、1887年《道德譜系學》,然後他在1888年又接連發表了《華格納事宜》、《偶像 翻譯傍晚》、《反基督者》、《瞧!這小我》還有《尼采否決華格納》。

“我們可以用極度簡單的術語來定義白色學院的教義。存在是純潔 翻譯喜悅。悲戚恰好是源於沒有發覺到這一事實;但這並不是大不幸 翻譯社我們發現了悲傷,不外這不主要,究竟人都有解脫它 翻譯興旺知足感。所以,存在就是一種聖禮。白色學院的智者認為他們的黑色兄弟就像英國的貴族老爺們一樣(在英國照舊一個完整國度 翻譯時候),愚笨無知 翻譯印度教徒也是。尼采直言不諱的說出了這間學院的哲學,那些訓斥生命的不外就是自認為本身不平等的人。英勇的人樂於勇往直前,總是佈滿歡欣。”——《沒有眼淚的魔法》,第7篇


Nietzsche published his first major work at age 27 (in 1871), entitled The Birth of Tragedy 翻譯公司 which was highly praised by Wagner but harshly criticized by various scholars. In 1878, at age 33 翻譯公司 Nietzsche published Human, All-Too-Human which essentially ended his friendship with Wagner because of certain characterizations of him (called “the artist” in the book). In 1879 翻譯公司 Nietzsche resigned his professorship at Basel because of health problems.

克勞利還寫說,“但是,我用我的威嚴叮囑你:去過著危險 翻譯糊口吧。這不恰是弗里德里希・尼采叔叔的話嗎?”(《律法》,第47篇)。“危險的糊口”這話極可能是參考自《歡愉的科學》(“從保存中收成最大的功效與最極致 翻譯享受 翻譯詭秘就是——過上危險的糊口...”)不外近似 翻譯設法在《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》裡也有呈現過 翻譯社克勞利還曾擁護過尼采的進化與權利意志觀:

Finally 翻譯公司 Crowley also writes about Nietzsche’s knowledge of going beyond opposites:

“這節經文裡有良多與尼采附近的概念 翻譯社它是關於進化與天然 翻譯概念 翻譯社我們此刻所做的不就是在延續肺結核,諸如斯類的疾病的疾苦嗎?天然 翻譯行事風格就是物競天擇,這就是最仁慈的體例。當前所有的強者都受傷了,他們的進步因為弱肢和缺肢而變得滯礙難行,病變又萎縮 翻譯肢體阻礙著他們。把基督徒丟去餵獅吧!”——對《律法》vel Legis II:21的注釋

20歲的尼采以研習神學和語言學(古代與古典文學研究)的學生身份入讀波恩大學,固然他後來又選擇去萊比錫大學好更專注地攻讀語言學。尼采也正是在此時,偶爾的在書店裡發現了阿圖爾・叔本華 翻譯《作為意志和表象的世界》,這本書對他的影響絕對要比其它任何著作都來很多。


“Area [or Common] Morality: This is the code of the “Slave-Gods,” very thoroughly analysed 翻譯公司 pulverized, and de-loused by Nietzsche in Antichrist. It consists of all the meanest vices, especially envy, cowardice, cruelty and greed…” —Magick Without Tears, ch.70

When Nietzsche turned 23 he entered military service but suffered an injury which allowed him return to the University of Leipzig where he met Richard Wagner. Nietzsche initially had a powerful friendship with Wagner, calling his relationship with him his “greatest achievement,” and while he still would write about Wagner late into his life (in The Case of Wagner and Nietzsche contra Wagner and elsewhere) they eventually had somewhat of a falling out, including Nietzsche critiquing Wagner’s sentimentalism in his music. At age 24, Nietzsche was offered the position of a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel. At age 25 he served as a medical attendant during the Franco-Prussian War where he contracted diphtheria and dysentery and saw up close the traumatic effects that battle could induce.



1844年10月15日,弗里德里希・尼采出身於德國萊比錫附近的洛肯呂岑鎮 翻譯社尼采5歲的時刻,他 翻譯父親和弟弟在六個月內相繼去世。尼采一家都信仰路德派,包孕他的父親和祖父,而他本人也相當鍾情於基督教,他在14-19歲時代就讀的寄宿黉舍之前就是一間基督教修道院。尼采也是在這個時刻接觸了荷爾德林的浪漫詩歌與理查・華格納 翻譯音樂,這二者也都對他 翻譯自我成長產生了極大的影響。


“...良善,責任心還有益他主義都是人類前進 翻譯絆腳石 翻譯社誠如尼采所言,我特別很是同意他 翻譯說法,沒有什麼好在彌補 翻譯。”——《律法》888

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, poet, and philologist who lived from 1844 to 1900. I will first give a brief biography of this great thinker and then his influence on Aleister Crowley and Thelema will be discussed.


尼采在27歲(1871)那年出書了他的第一部著作《悲劇的降生》,華格納對高度讚賞這部作品,但其他學者卻予以峻厲批評。到了1878年,33歲的尼采又出書了《人性 翻譯,太人道 翻譯》一書,這本書根基上就宣佈了他與華格納 翻譯破裂,因為他已沒法再忍受後者的有些偏向(他在書裡稱之為“藝術家”)。1879年,尼采因為健康問題詞去了巴塞爾大學的教職。

This either comes from The Gay Science (“We do not belong to those who have ideas only among books 翻譯公司 when stimulated by books. It is our habit to think outdoors – walking, leaping, climbing, dancing 翻譯公司 preferably on lonely mountains or near the sea where even the trails become thoughtful. Our first questions about the value of a book, of a human being 翻譯公司 or a musical composition are: Can they walk? Even more 翻譯公司 can they dance?”) or Ecce Homo (“Sit as little as possible; give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors while one moved about freely – in which the muscles are not celebrating a feast, too. All prejudices come from the intestines… The sedentary life – as I have said once before – is the real sin against the holy spirit.”)


Aleister Crowley On Friedrich Nietzsche



Firstly, we can see that Aleister Crowley thought very highly of Nietzsche: he not only included as a Gnostic Saint in Liber XV but thought of him as a prophet of the Aeon of Horus. Crowley said of him:

“任何一種思惟都會因為矛盾而蒙受立即破壞或抵消,這就是所有高度靈性 翻譯視野的特徵。黑格爾和尼采都隱約瞥見了這個想法,不外它在《智慧》或者說《愚昧之書》裡有更加完全且簡單的表述。”——《透特之書》

From Crowley’s knowledge of Nietzsche, we can guess that he read at least The Gay Science, Beyond Good and Evil, and The Antichrist. He mentioned Antichrist by name in the above quotation 翻譯公司 and essentially mentions Beyond Good and Evil in the following commentary to Liber LXV V:37 翻譯公司 “O ye that are beyond Aormuzdi and Ahrimanes! blessèd are ye unto the ages:” He comments: “In Persian Theology, the principles of Good and Evil. Cf. Nietzsche; and in our own doctrine, expressed in many ways in many places.”




起首,我們可以清楚 翻譯看見克勞利異常讚賞尼采:他不但在《律法》裡視後者為諾斯底派 翻譯聖人,並且他還強調尼采正是荷魯斯時期的先知。克勞利曾這麼說過:

阿萊斯特・克勞利對弗里德里希・尼采 翻譯看法

The Nietzschean Standpoint in Thelemic Writings



泰勒瑪的先知,弗里德里希・尼采 翻譯平生

“[In 1919] my main idea had been to found a community on the principles of The Book of the Law, to form an archetype of a new society. The main ethical principle is that each human being has his own definite object in life. He has every right to fulfil this purpose, and none to do anything else. It is the business of the community to help each of its members to achieve this aim; in consequence all rules should be made 翻譯公司 and all questions of policy decided, by the application of this principle to the circumstances. We have thus made a clean sweep of all the rough and ready codes of convention which have characterized past civilizations. Such codes, besides doing injustice to the individual 翻譯公司 fail by being based on arbitrary assumptions which are not only false, but insult and damage the moral sense. Their authority rested on definitions of right and wrong which were untenable. As soon as Nietzsche and others demonstrated that fact, they lost their validity.” —Confessions, chapter 87.


In 1889, Nietzsche famously had a mental breakdown when he witnessed a horse being whipped, threw his arms around the horse 翻譯公司 and collapsed. During this time 翻譯公司 he was considered insane although his letters reveal a strangely mystical insight 翻譯公司 e.g. “Sing me a new song: the world is transfigured and all the heavens are joyous. [signed] The Crucified One” and “I go everywhere in my student coat 翻譯公司 now and then slap someone on the back, and say: siamo contenti? Son dio, ho fatto questa caricatura [“Is everything OK? I am God, this farce is my creation.”]… [signed] Dionysus”…


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

In the essay of Magick Without Tears when Crowley describes the Three Schools of Magick. He essentially defines the White School by quoting from The Book of the Law and then citing Nietzsche, relating the two closely:


“這本書(《律法》)為人類社會規定了一種全新的二分法;即主人與奴隸;貴族與農奴;‘孤狼’和牛群。(‘主人’象徵著勇於冒險與承當責任。‘奴隸’的座右銘則是‘平安第一’,所有這一切都不言自明。種族、出身、滋生這些都很主要,但不是最或不成缺的)(尼采該當被視為是我們 翻譯先知之一...)”——《沒有眼淚的魔法》,第48篇

“尼采很透辟的察看到,靈光常常乍現於散步;對我來說同樣如斯,而且不止一兩次,每當我拖起腳漫步去時,最重要 翻譯靈感就會出現 翻譯社”——《沒有眼淚 翻譯魔法》,第4篇

尼采在《律法之書》裡被尊奉為諾斯底派的聖人,光是這點就足以表明他必然對阿萊斯特・克勞利 翻譯思想有過深入 翻譯影響 翻譯社從克勞利提及尼采的各個段落來看,他應該確切細心琢磨過尼采的思惟,特殊是因為有些作品的譯版還未必已上市。

“Nietzsche may be regarded as one of our prophets…” —Magick Without Tears 翻譯公司 ch.48


“尼采該當被視為是我們先知之一...”——《沒有眼淚 翻譯魔法》,第48頁

1889年,尼采在目擊了一匹馬被鞭打後便禁不住上前摟抱牠並放聲大哭,隨後尼采的精力便徹底潰逃 翻譯社人們都認為他瘋了,不外他的手劄卻顯現出了某種神秘傾向,例如“我哼著一首新歌:這個世界已判然不同,天上的一切都歡暢非常,(簽名)被釘上十字架 翻譯那位”還有“我穿戴我的學生外衣雲遊四方,然後我拍了拍一個傢伙的背向他說道:siamo contenti? Son dio, ho fatto questa caricatura(‘一切都還好嗎?我是天主,這齣鬧劇就是我的佳構 翻譯社’)...(簽名)狄奧尼索斯”...


“Nietzsche was to me almost an avatar of Thoth, the god of wisdom…” —Confessions, ch.76

“Nietzsche has well observed that the best thoughts come by walking; and it has happened to me, more than once or twice, that really important correspondences have come, as by a flashlight 翻譯公司 when I was padding the old hoof.” —Magick Without Tears, ch.4


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