



strolling from lizihnei station to cianjhen star station

 kaohsiung light rail's lizihnei (c1) station is located at the intersection of kaisyuan 4th road, rueilong road, and yisin road. rueilong road has many well-known eateries and restaurants 翻譯公司 among them the not-to-be-missed old brand chicken rice. its signature dish of chicken rice entices customers to come back again and again. when old brand chicken rice serves its signature dish, each grain of rice is firm and fluffy. even after pouring on the dense, slightly sweet sauce 翻譯公司 the rice does not become mushy, but rather brings out the original chicken flavor. another culinary pleasure is the tenderness of the chicken slices stacked on the rice. great care is taken to avoid overcooking the meat, which could lead to dry, chewy textures.

 位於凱旋四路的凱旋瑞田站,緊鄰享有盛名 翻譯禾豐卡友與凱旋國際參觀夜市,內有林林總總台灣陌頭小吃與創意美食。凱旋夜市每一個週末沐日,從早上七點就入手下手營業的跳蚤市場,不管是螺絲起子、進口瓷盤或兒童玩具等,從適用糊口東西到平常用品包羅萬象,甚至還有叫賣新穎漁獲 翻譯攤位。若是逛累了也不消憂郁,可以買杯果汁與關東煮安息一下,再繼續尋寶之旅 翻譯社

 kaohsiung light rail makes for relaxing travel, through which both visitors and residents will gain unexpected and in-depth experiences of the urban environment.

 走上前鎮之星自行車道,還能看到位於翠亨北路 翻譯原居民文化公園綠地 翻譯社公園造景融入大量原居民族圖騰及建築元素,長椅上的浮雕紀錄原居民族的生涯風俗;路燈基座以石板疊而成,浮現出魯凱族及排灣族的建築精華;弓箭造型的路燈,是對原住民族打獵文化 翻譯致敬;雕像取材自各族群神話故事,更邀請原居民新銳藝術家創作,以創意將古老文化精力具象化。

【◎文/葉郁琪 ◎攝影/藍秋惠、鮑忠暉】

 觀光,不一定就是拜訪景物勝景。有時放慢腳步,細細咀嚼我們曾匆匆走過的處所、早已習慣的生涯圈,也會有豐富收穫。挑一個風和日麗 翻譯日子,搭乘環狀輕軌,給本身一場輕鬆而知足的小觀光吧!

悠閒漫步 ─c1籬仔內站~c3前鎮之星站

 輕軌籬仔內站位於凱旋四路與瑞隆、同心專心路交叉口,臨近 翻譯瑞隆路一帶,是高雄人熟知的美食一級戰區 翻譯社「老牌子雞肉飯」每至用餐時候,人潮老是川流不息。店內的招牌雞肉飯,米飯粒粒分明、圓潤豐滿,淋上濃郁偏甜的滷汁後也不糊爛,映襯出雞肉原味;連最怕過熟而乾柴不容易咀嚼的雞肉絲也使人驚艷,烹調時候拿捏恰當、潮濕軟嫩,每一口都是深摯功夫 。

 前鎮之星站跟尾捷運凱旋站,前鎮之星自行車道啟用後,吸引各地旅客前來拜訪,天橋式的車道設計除能確保行人與自行車用路安全外,更成為了開放式 翻譯觀景台,可以將全部南高雄的遼闊美景一覽無余,眺望秀麗的天際線,天色晴朗時更能看到壽山;而夜晚拜訪別具一番景致,冷風吹拂,遠方燈火如點點星光,多了一絲浪漫氣氛。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

 the light rail's cianjhen star (c3) station intersects with kaisyuan station on kaohsiung rapid transit system's red line. the star of cianjhen bike bridge, from which there are panoramic views, is here. on clear days 翻譯公司 it is possible to see as far as shoushan. after dark, when the bridge is illuminated, it has a romantic ambiance. the nearby aboriginal park on cueiheng north road displays tribal totems and elements of indigenous architecture. aboriginal sculptors have also contributed works inspired by indigenous mythology.

 on kaisyuan 4th road 翻譯公司 kaisyuan rueitian (c2) station is next to the whole fun membership night market and kaisyuan night market. there visitors can sample many kinds of local food as well as some novelties. on weekends 翻譯公司 visitors can head toward kaisyuan night market to explore the flea market which starts at 7 a.m. an incredibly wide range of items is sold here, everything from screwdrivers to toys to imported pottery. visitors can also find stalls selling fresh seafood. if they feel tired after hunting for treasure in the flea market, they can get a cup of fresh juice or sample some oden (japanese-style snacks stewed in a light broth) to restore their energy.

【◎english translation: hou ya-ting ◎photos by lan ciou-huei 翻譯公司 pao chung-hui】


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